Friday, 29 October 2010

So, where were we....?

Ok, so that turned out to be a slightly longer break than I anticipated. Yeah, ok, I've been completely crap on the old posting front.

So, what's been happening?

And how are you all?

Are you even there still...?


Last time, I was off to Dublin to do Storylining on Fair City, which was great. Absloutely loved it and had a ball. And everyone was many beautifuls and lots of lovelys too, which is always helpful. And sitting around in a room making up stories all day with four other people. What's not to like?

While I was there I also got feedback on my sample scenes. I was a bit nervous about it, but it went very well in the end. The Script Editor asked me to do some more scenes for practice but, even more exciting, booked me in to do a shadow script.

So, when my storylining stint ended in the middle of August, I went off to London for a holiday with my lovely and long-suffering man, and then it was down to business writing more sample scenes at the beginning of Sept. I sent those off and then headed over to Dublin again for a FC Story Conference and to attend the Tonal Meeting for the block of episodes that my shadow episode was part of. The Tonal Meeting is basically a chance for everyone to get together and make sure they're on the same page in terms of where the stories and episodes are going. Very necessary when you have lots of different writers doing individual episodes dealing with ongoing stories.

So, with lots of notes and thoughts, I headed back to my little writing den (the local library - quiet, lots of people concentrating, and NO INTERNET!!!! Bliss...) and spent the next month writing my shadow script.

Then I sent it off.

I'm over in Dublin in a week for another Story Conference and to do the edit on my shadow episode. That's where they tell me what they think....

Eek and nervouslings!


  1. Sounds like you're really putting in the hours. If there's any justice in the world your shadow episode will just be another step on your path to Continuing Drama greatness :)

  2. Thanks, Laurence. Loved doing it. We'll see how it goes next week...

  3. My God. A blog post. Now I suppose I will have to do one... nah!

  4. I know. I was shocked myself...
